beautiful bouquets for your loved ones

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Country Garden

Country Garden

The natural tones of this bouquet will bring anyone delight! 4 Orange Asiatic Lilies & 6 Yellow Roses are accented with Solidaster. Includes a quality message card, floral preservative and flower care information. Flowers come wrapped in a decorative sleeve & are packed in an attractive gift box.

Fire and Ice Roses

Fire and Ice Roses

These beautiful bi-colored Roses will set the scene for any celebration! Your selection includes 12 Long Stem Roses accented with greenery. Included are a quality message card, floral preservative and flower care information. Flowers are wrapped in a decorative sleeve and packed in a gift box.

18 Long Stem Mixed Roses

18 Long Stem Mixed Roses

18 Mixed Roses FREE vase 18 Premium Long Stem Roses (18'-26') with a personalized card, floral preservative packets and rose care information. Wrapped in cellophane and packed on ice in a gift box they are shipped via Overnight Courier.

Delightful Discovery

Delightful Discovery

This stately bouquet will preside over any gathering! 10 Iris are surrounded by 6 Yellow Roses, 2 Yellow Asiatic Lilies & accented with Ruscus. Includes a message card, floral preservative & flower care information. Flowers come wrapped in a decorative sleeve & are packed in an attractive gift box.

Cheese, Crackers & Fruit BasketSale! $5 off

Cheese, Crackers & Fruit BasketSale! $5 off

When you can't be there in person, what better way to send your thoughts than this bountiful fruit basket? Wicker basket with handle arrives filled with fresh apples, grapes and bananas, along with cheese and crackers. (Substitution of contents may occur if unavailable)

Timeless Treasures

Timeless Treasures

The fresh colors of this delightful bouquet will add cheer to any day! 4 stems of White & Yellow Asiatic Lilies surrounded by 6 Yellow & White Roses are accented with Solidaster. Includes a message card, preservative & flower care information. Flowers are wrapped in a sleeve & packed in a gift box.

Summer Spectacular

Summer Spectacular

Perfect for this season, this pretty floral gift, with its spray of colorful flowers such as tulips, freesia, yellow and lavender chrysanthemums and blue delphinium in a lovely lavender glass cube vase, will be welcomed with open arms.

Sunshine Thoughts

Sunshine Thoughts

Thinking of someone? Let them know they're on your mind with this lovely arrangement of yellow blooms like bright yellow alstroemeria, carnations and chrysanthemums in a square glass vase.

Mixed Lilies

Mixed Lilies

Our 10 Mixed Asiatic Lilies are accented with Ruscus and will cause a fervor on any occasion! Enjoy each bloom as they open at different times. Includes a message card, floral preservative & flower care information. Flowers come wrapped in a decorative sleeve & are packed in an attractive gift box.

12 Lavender Roses

12 Lavender Roses

These subtle Lavender Roses will set the scene for any occasion. Includes 12 Premium Long Stem Roses accented with greenery. Also included are a quality message card, floral preservative & flower care information. Flowers come elegantly wrapped in a decorative sleeve & are packed in a gift box.



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