beautiful bouquets for your loved ones

Mexico: Occasions & Sentiments: Thank You:

One Dozen Pink Roses

One Dozen Pink Roses

Pink roses for joy, grace, and poetic romance. Indulge someone with these spectacular pink roses well wrapped and tied . Also perfect to express gratitude.



This graceful mixed bouquet of roses, lilies and gerbera flowers are the perfect choice when simplicity is a keynote.

Goodies in a basket

Goodies in a basket

If you want to bring a surprise at work or home, send this cute snack basket full of candies, chocolates and salty munchies to your loved ones.

Dozen Roses in a Vase Sale! $ 5 Off

Dozen Roses in a VaseSale! $ 5 Off

Sale! $5 Off on every order! Dozen red roses arranged delicately in a vase. Other colors of roses are also available. Please mention the color of your choice in the special instructions.

Dish Garden

Dish Garden

A lovely array of 2-3 assorted green plants is just the right size for a mid-size desk or table. A great gift for the home or office.

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

A bouquet of pastel coloured flowers composed of gerberas, carnations, gladioli and roses is a perfect way to say it all with flowers. Delicately tied with lace trimming, they’re sure to love it.

Pop Treat

Pop Treat

A psychedelic collection of lipops, packed into a dramatic bouquet is bound to make someone’s day very special. With over 6 flavors to choose from, each flavor will prove to be a definitive treat for the taste buds. Pop treat is indeed a gift for every season, and a gift for any reason.

Fruit Express

Fruit Express

Enjoy natures splendor with this unique fruit basket that will feel like walking through the orchard in the morning when there’s dew on the grass. Take a chin-dripping bite of the best looking seasonal fruits.

Chocolate and Cream

Chocolate and Cream

Chocolate lover’s exclusive, this basket makes a really great gift. It contains different kinds of chocolates and a Bottle of Baileys.

Poetry in Roses-3 Dozen

Poetry in Roses-3 Dozen

What could be more beautiful than this cluster of 3 dozen fresh assorted mixed colored roses beautifully wrapped and tied with a bright ribbon (If you would like roses to be of a specific color only, please specify in the special instructions)




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