beautiful bouquets for your loved ones

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Our goddess of beauty.A beautifully designed bouquet with roses, gerberas and plenty of greens.

Purple Passion

Purple Passion

This charming arrangement of assorted flowers in shades of pinks and purples is worth more than a thousand words. Carnations, Alstroemeria, Bouvardia & fillers arranged in a glass vase are a celebration of elegance and sophistication. (Substitution may occur if flowers are unavailable)

One Dozen Pink Roses

One Dozen Pink Roses

Pink roses for joy, grace, and poetic romance. Indulge someone with these spectacular pink roses well wrapped and tied . Also perfect to express gratitude.

Mixed Asiatic Lilies

Mixed Asiatic Lilies

This bright and cheery bouquet of bright colored Asiatic Lilies is sure to bring sunshine into any room. Asiatic Lilies are subject to availability and may be required to be substituted by a different variety of equal value.

Simply Beautiful

Simply Beautiful

Made up of blue iris and white lilies this fresh, fragrant, and classic combination is simply beautiful! (Please note that Iris is subject to availability and may be substituted by flowers in the same color theme)

Dozen Roses in a Vase Sale! $ 5 Off

Dozen Roses in a Vase Sale! $ 5 Off

Sale! $ 5 Off on every order! Dozen red roses arranged delicately in a vase. Other colors of roses are also available. Please mention the color of your choice in the special instructions.

One Dozen Yellow Roses

One Dozen Yellow Roses

A dozen yellow roses to signify enduring friendship, sunshine, and happiness!

Gerbera Daisies Bouquet

Gerbera Daisies Bouquet

One of the worlds most popular flowers, gerbera daisies are known for their brilliant hues. Send this beautiful bouquet to add a touch of brightness and a splash of color to someone's life. A great gift for every occasion.

One Dozen Red Roses

One Dozen Red Roses

The classic symbol of love for over 400 years, these carefully selected red roses are well wrapped and tied with a bright ribbon.

Carnation Carnival

Carnation Carnival

Blend some pastels with deep reds and bright yellow carnations wrapped with a big bright bow. What could be more charming ?




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