beautiful bouquets for your loved ones

France:Flowers & Plants:Roses:

One Dozen Yellow Roses

One Dozen Yellow Roses

A dozen yellow roses to signify enduring friendship, sunshine, and happiness!

One Dozen White Roses

One Dozen White Roses

A hand tied bouquet of 12 magnificent white roses signifying love, peace and tranquility.

One Dozen Red Roses

One Dozen Red Roses

The classic symbol of love for over 400 years, these carefully selected red roses are well wrapped and tied with a bright ribbon.

Poetry in Roses-3 Dozen

Poetry in Roses-3 Dozen

What could be more beautiful than this cluster of 3 dozen fresh assorted mixed colored roses beautifully wrapped and tied with a bright ribbon (If you would like roses to be of a specific color only, please specify in the special instructions)




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